Database of Optical Properties
of small particles
Some basic information:
What's new at the DOP?
A list of last changes is here.
What is in the database?
The DOP contains:
i) original codes realizing different methods
to calculate the optical properties of non-spherical
(inhomogeneous) particles;
ii) reviews of exact and approximate methods of light scattering
iii) a database of several tausends references to papers on various
aspects of light-scattering theory and its applications;
iv) a graphics library illustrating light scattering by
particles of different sizes/shapes/structures
(a part of the data are in tabular form to serve
as benchmarks);
v) a special tool to calculate on-line selected optical
characteristics of different scatterers (homogeneous and core-mantle
spheres, infinitely long cylinders, spheroids, etc.);
vi) a self-training algorithm of determination of the optical
properties of fractal-like clusters;
vii) a collection of links to related internet resources.
How is the database organized?
The general structure of the DOP is simple -
just one menu page with links to the sections.
The tools used are also very limitted - CGI and Perl,
no Java, JavaScript, etc. were utilized to avoid any browser problems.
What for was the database developed?
The DOP should help investigators to solve a wide spectrum of problems
in various scientific and industrial applications of light scattering theory
as well as serve as an educational tool for high schools.
Who created the database?
The database was developed by
V.B.Il'in and N.V.Voshchinnikov (Astronomical Institute of St.Petersburg University, Russia),
V.A.Babenko (Stepanov Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus),
S.A.Beletsky (Astronomical Observatory of Kharkov University, Ukraina)
with a help from other participants of the
INTAS grant 1999/652.
The essential contribution was made
by N.G.Khlebtsov (Saratov State University, Russia).
The authors acknowledge a support from
the INTAS Program,
the Russian federal program "Astronomy",
the Russian Ministry of Education,
and the RFBR
to the scientific school of V.V.Sobolev.
Created by
Last modified:
03/03/03, V.I.