Light scattering by axisymmetric particles within a new approach to the T-matrix method The code AXISYM0.FOR realises the new approach to the solution of the light scattering problem suggested by Farafonov (Opt. Spectr., 1999, submitted). Some features of the approach are described in the first lines of the code. Below them one finds also the description of the input and output parameters, and a list of some used subroutines. The comments given through the code's text allow one to follow its general structure. The file IN contains the input parameter values for a test run. The results of this run must be similar to those in the file OUT-TEST. I have carefully checked the code by comparison with results derived for spheres with the Mie theory and for spheroids of quite different aspect ratios, sizes, compositions obtained with the T-matrix codes of Barber & Hill and Mishchenko and with the SVM code of Voshchinnikov. In general, the code created is at least as fast and correct as the T-matrix codes mentioned. Though the code is a bit slower but many parts of it can be easily speeded up. The code is written in standard Fortran 77 and does not contain any particular computational tools. However, please feel free to contact me provided you meet problems. September, 1998 Vladimir Il'in. (e-mail: The development of the new approach and the code was financially supported by a grant of the Volkswagen Foundation (Germany).