The Field of a Vertical Dipole in the Presence of a Perfectly Conducting Body with the Axial Symmetry Victor G. Farafonov and Andrey A. Loskutov St.Petersburg University of Aerocosmic Instrumentation, St.Petersburg, Russia Abstract A new solution to the problem of diffraction of the field of a dipole located on the axis of symmetry of a perfectly conducting axially symmetric body is presented. It is assumed that the dipole moment is directed along the axis and therefore both incident and scattered fields do not depend on the azimuthal angle. To solve the problem, scalar potentials connected with the azimuthal components of electromagnetic fields are used. Surface integral equations for these potentials are obtained. The potentials are represented by expansions in terms of spherical wave functions. Infinite systems of linear algebraic equations are given for coefficients of these expansions. Under certain conditions on geometry of the problem the systems have unique solutions which can be found by a reduction method. Numerical calculations have demonstrated high efficiency of the approach.