LIGHT SCATTERING BY MULTI-LAYERED PARTICLES WITH THE AXIAL SYMMETRY V.G. Farafonov St.Petersburg State University of aerocosmic instrumentation, St.Petersburg, Russia Abstract A new recursive algorithm of solution of the problem of scattering of an arbitrary polarized plane wave by multi-layered dielectric particles with the axial symmetry is constructed. The approach used is that suggested and realized earlier for homogeneous axisymmetric particles. Its main features are: 1) presentation of the fields as sums of two components where the first one does not depend on the azimuthal angle and averaging the second one gives zero; 2) solution of the axisymmetric problem using the scalar potentials connected with the azimuthal components of electromagnetic fields; 3) solution of the nonaxisymmetric problem with the usage of a superposition of Debay? potentials and vertical components of magnetic or electric Hertz vector. Important for the considered solution is the formulation of the light scattering problem as surface integral equations for the scalar potentials which are represented by expansions in term of spherical wave functions. Simple structure infinite systems of algebraic linear equations are obtained for unknown expansion coefficients. The size of truncated? systems for multi-layered particles coincides with that of analogical homogeneous particles. In the case of multi-layered spherical particles the considered algorithm provides solution in explicit way, where the dependence on the radial spherical functions for layers is given by logarithmic derivative (i.e. the ratio of a derivative to the function).