C V, Family and other... |
(version September 2000)
Yurij Victorovich Baryshev
Astronomical Institute
of the Saint-Petersburg State University
Astronomical Institute
St.Petersburg State University
Bibliotechnaya pl.2, Stary Peterhof,
St.Petersburg, 198904
Phone: +7-812-428 7139
+7-812-428 4199
Fax: +7-812-428 7129
E-mail: yuba@astro.spbu.ru
Date and place of burth: May 8, 1948 in St.Petersburg (former Leningrad), RUSSIA
Personal address: ul. Kupchinskaya 8,korp.1,kv.453
St.Petersburg, 192281, Russia
Phone: +7-812-106 6583
2 children
Yurij Baryshev has been at the Astronomical Institute of the
St.Petersburg State University for the past twenty years. He is
currently a Senior Reseacher at the Laboratory of Active
Galactic Nuclei. His professional activities at the Astronomical
Institute involve scientific reseach, graduate and undergraduate
special courses. The main field of his research interests is
relativistic astrophysics with emphasis on foundation of physics of
gravitational interaction. He investigates relativistic tensor field
approach to gravity, active galactic nuclei, quasars, gravitational
radiation from astrophysical objects, gravitational lensing by dark
matter. He studies implications for cosmology of the recent
discovery by the Rome University's group of the fractal structure of
the large scale galaxy distribution. He has been developing critical
astrophysical tests for modern cosmological theories.
Ph.D. Astrophysics
St.Petersburg (former Leningrad) State University
St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
M.S. Radio physics,
St.Petersburg (former Leningrad) Electro-Technical University,
St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
1979 -present
Senior Researcher
Astronomical Institute of the St.Petersburg State University
St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
1973 - 1979
Research Assistant,
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nyznij Arhyz, RUSSIA
International Astronomical Union
Medal of St.Petersburg State University, 1999
Russian, English
Articles in journals:
1. Field-theoretical approach to gravity.
V.V.Sokolov, Yu.V.Baryshev.
Gravitaziya i teoriya otnositelnosti, vol.17,pp.34-42,1980.
2. Hierarchical structure of Metagalaxy.
Astrofizicheskie Issledovaniya: Izvestiya Spetsialnoi
Astrofizicheskoi Observatorii, vol.14, pp.24-43, 1981.
English translation: 1984 by Allerton Press. Inc.
3. Gravitational radiation of the binary pulsar PSR1913+16.
Astrofizika, vol.18,pp.93-99, 1982.
English translation : Astrophysics, 18,1982.
4. Kinematical models of powerfull radio galaxies and statistics of
extended components.
Astrofizika, vol.19, pp.461-469, 1983.
English translation : Astrophysics, 19, 1983.
5. Precessing jet model for classical double radio sources.
Pisma Astron.Zh., vol.9,pp.591-594, 1983.
English translation : Sov.Astron.Lett.9(5),1983.
6. Relativistic tensor theory of gravitational field in flat
Yu.V.Baryshev, V.V.Sokolov.
Trudy Astron.Obs.Len.Univ.,vol.38,pp.36-61, 1983.
7. Some astrophysical consequence of dynamical interpretation of
Astrofizika, vol.21, pp.361-366, 1984.
English translation : Astrophysics,21,1984.
8. Equations of motion for test particles in Lorentz-covariant tensor
theory of gravitation.
Vestnik LGU, ser.1, vyp.4, pp.113-118, 1986.
9. Theoretical parameters of the powerful radio galaxies I,
Hydrodynamical Approximation.
Astrofizika, vol.25, pp.369-381, 1986.
English translation : Astrophysics,25,1986.
10. Theoretical parameters of the powerful radio galaxies II,
Generation of MGD turbulence by collisionless shocks.
Astrofizika, vol.28, pp.112-121, 1988.
English translation : Astrophysics,28,1988.
11. Theoretical parameters of the powerful radio galaxies III,
Acceleration of particles.
Astrofizika, vol.28, pp.273-278, 1988.
English translation : Astrophysics,28,1988.
12. A note on characteristic quantities in cosmology.
Astrofizika, vol.28, pp.689-691, 1988.
English translation : Astrophysics,28,1988.
13. On the entropy of self-gravitating systems.
Astrofizika, vol.29, pp.595-601, 1988.
English translation : Astrophysics,29,1989.
14. Conservation laws and equations of motion in the field theory
of gravitation.
Vestnik LGU, ser.1, vyp.2, pp.80-85, 1988.
15. Potential of homogeneous ball in the field theory of gravitation.
Vestnik LGU, ser.1, vyp.1, pp.86-91, 1990.
16. A new approach to the large cosmological numbers coincidences.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov,A.G.Sergeev, A.A.Tron.
Astron.Astrophys.Transactions, vol.5, pp.27-29, 1994.
17. On the fractal nature of the large scale structure of the
Astron.Astrophys.Transactions, vol.5, pp.15-23, 1994.
18. Facts and ideas in modern cosmology.
Yu.V.Baryshev, F.Sylos Labini, M.Montuori, L.Pietronero.
Vistas in Astronomy, v.38, part 4, pp.419-500, 1994 .
19. Kinematical models of double radio sources and the unified scheme.
Yu.V.Baryshev, P.Teerikorpi.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.295, pp.11-26, 1995
20. Energy of field and energy of interaction in relativistic
Gravitatsiya, vol.1,vyp.1, pp.13-26, 1995.
English translation : Gravitation,1,1995.
21. Microwave background radiation and cosmological large numbers.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov, A.A.Tron.
Astron.Astrophys.Transactions, vol.10,pp.135-138,1996.
22. On a possibility of experimental detection of the frequence
dependent gravitational bending of light.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.G.Gubanov, A.A.Raikov.
Gravitatsiya, vol.2,vyp.1, pp.72-76, 1996.
English translation : Gravitation,2,1996.
23. Field theory of gravitation: desire and reality.
Gravitatsiya, vol.2, vyp.2, pp.5-20, 1996.
English translation : Gravitation,2,1996.
24. Antigravitation in gravidynamics.
Hyperfine Interactions, vol.109, pp.95-103, 1997.
25. Events observed by Amaldi-Weber antennas from SN1987A as a
possible detection of scalar gravitational waves.
Astrofizika, vol.40, pp.377-389, 1997.
English translation : Astrophysics, 40, 1997.
26. Gravitational mesolensing by King objects and quasar-galaxy
Yu.V.Baryshev, Yu.L.Ezova.
Astron.Zhurnal, vol.74, pp.497-508, 1997.
English translation : Astronomy Reports, 41, N4, pp.436-446, 1997.
27. The radial space distribution of KLUN galaxies up to 200 Mpc:
incompleteness or evidence for the behaviour predicted by
fractal dimension 2?
P.Teerikorpi, M.Hanski, G.Theureau, Yu.Baryshev, G.Paturel,
L.Bottinelli, L.Gougenheim.
Astron.Astrophys., 334, pp.395-403, 1998.
28. On the fractal structure of galaxy distribution and its
implications for cosmology.
Yu.V.Baryshev, F.Sylos Labini, M.Montuori, L.Pietronero,
Fractals, v.6, N.3, pp.231-243, 1998.
29. BVRI light curves of GRB970508 optical remnant and colours
of underlying host galaxy.
S.V.Zharikov, V.V.Sokolov, Yu.V.Baryshev.
Astron.Astrophys., 337, pp.356-362, 1998.
30. Quasar-galaxy associations as lensing by middle-mass objects.
A.V.Yushcenko, Yu.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov.
Astron.Astrophys.Transactions, v.17, pp.9-13, 1998.
31. Properties of the host galaxy of the gamma-ray burst 970508
and local star-forming galaxies.
V.V.Sokolov, S.V.Zharikov, Yu.V.Baryshev, M.O.Hanski,
K.Nilsson, P.Teerikorpi, L.Nicastro, E.Palazzi.
Astron.Astrophys., 344, pp.43-50, 1999.
32. Optical morphology of distant RATAN-600 radio galaxies from
subarcsecond resolution NOT images.
T.Pursimo, K.Nilsson, P.Teerikorpi, A.Kopylov, N.Soboleva,
Yu.Parijskij, Yu.Baryshev, O.Verhodanov, A.Temirova,
O.Zhelenkova, W.Goss, A.Sillanpaa, L.O.Takalo.
Astron.Astrophys.Suppl., 134,pp.505-521, 1999.
33. Conceptual problems of fractal cosmology.
Astron.Astrophys.Transactions, 2000
Contributions to conferences:
1. Post-Newtonian hydrostatic equlibrium in the field theory of
Proc. of the conf. "Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology",
held in Niznij Archyz, SAO, 19-24 September,1988.
Soobshzeniya SAO, vyp.64, pp.12-15, 1990.
2. Relativistic effects on emission of optically violently variable
extragalactic objects.
M.K.Babadzhanyants, Yu.V.Baryshev, E.T.Belokon.
Proc. of the conf. "Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology",
held in Niznij Archyz, SAO, 19-24 September,1988.
Soobshzeniya SAO, vyp.64, pp.47-54, 1990.
3. An upper limit on hidden mass of fractals of galaxies.
Proc. of the conf. "Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology",
held in Niznij Archyz, SAO, 19-24 September,1988.
Soobshzeniya SAO, vyp.64, pp.86-88, 1990.
4. Stability of supermassive stars in the field gravitation
Proc.of the XIII workshop "Problems on high energy physics and
field theory, held in Protvino, 9-13 July,1990.
Moscow, Nauka, 1991, pp.61-66.
5. Pulsation of supermassive star in the tensor field gravitation
Proc. of the conf. "Variability of Blazars", held in Turku,
January 6-10, 1991.
Cambridge Univ.Press,1992, pp.52-54.
6. Optically violently variable active galactic nuclei as
supermassive binary systems.
M.K.Babadzhanyants, Yu.V.Baryshev, E.T.Belokon.
Proc. of the conf. "Variability of Blazars", held in Turku,
January 6-10, 1991.
Cambridge Univ.Press,1992, pp.45-51.
7. Quasar-galaxy associations as a result of gravitational lensing
by objects of medium masses.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov, A.V.Yushcenko.
Proc. of the conf. "Gravitational lenses in the Universe",
held in Liege, Belgique, June 21-25, 1993.
Liege, 1993, pp.307-310.
8. Gravitational lensing inside fractal structure.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov, A.A.Tron.
Proc. of the conf. "Gravitational lenses in the Universe",
held in Liege, Belgique, June 21-25, 1993.
Liege, 1993, pp.365-368.
9. A quantum limitation on the gravitational interaction.
Yu.V.Baryshev, A.A.Raikov.
Proc.of the XVII workshop "Problems on high energy physics and
field theory", held in Protvino, June 27 - July 1, 1994.
Protvino, 1995, pp.166-168.
10. On a possibility of scalar gravitational wave detection from the
binary pulsar PSR 1913+16.
Proc. of the first Amaldi conf. "Gravitational wave experiment",
held in Frascati, 14-17 June, 1993.
World Sci.Publ., 1995, pp.251-260.
11. Hubble-de Vaucouleurs paradox in the fractal Universe.
Proc. of the conf. "Modern problems in extragalactic astrophysics",
held in Puschino (Moscow), 8-13 May, 1997.
12. Evidance for dark matter in different scales from the KLUN
galaxy sample.
M.O.Hanski, P.Teerikorpi, T.Ekholm, G.Theureau,
Yu.Baryshev, G.Paturel, P.Lanoix
Proc. of IAU Colloc.174, "Small Galaxy Groups", held in Turku,
Finland, June 1999.
13. Conceptual problems of fractal cosmology.
Proc. of Gamow Memorial Conference, St.Petersburg,
Russia, August 1999.
Contributions to books:
1. Modern state of observational cosmology.
in "Gravitation and cosmology".
Itogi Nauki i Tehniki, ser. Classicheskaya teoriya polya i
gravitatziya, tom 4, Moskva VINITI ,1992, pp.89-135.
2. Fundamental questions of practical cosmology.
Yu.V.Baryshev, P.Teerikorpi.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, (in preparation).