

Conference participants and their guests may stay at the University Hotel, where rooms have been reserved.
Participants who would like to make use of these arrangements should fill the accomodation form and submit it as soon as possible but no later than March 1, 2003.
The preliminary prices are given in USD equivalent (per room and per night). Payment will be made upon arrival in cash in roubles according to the schedule.

University Hotel:

"Single" $ 15

"Double-I" $ 20 ($ 10 per one person)

"Double-II" $ 18 ($ 9 per one person)

"Triple" $ 24 ($ 8 per one person)

"Single" room has one bed, TV, and phone.
"Double-I" means a room with two beds, TV, and phone.
"Double-II" means a room with two beds.
"Triple" means a room with three beds.
All rooms are provided with a shower and a toilet.


Family name:

First name:

Hotel (check one):
       1) University hotel
       2) I will make my own arrangements

Room Class (check one):
       1) Single
       2) Double-I
       3) Double-II
       4) Triple

       1) male
       2) female

Arrival date:

Departure date:

Number of nights:

Expected arrival time:

I wish to share with another participant (yes/no):

(If you know anyone attending the conference with whom you would like to share, please give his/her name here):

We'll try to take into account your wishes, but no guarantee.
Other relevant information (any special needs, such as diet, no stairs, no smoking, etc.):

Download accomodation form as a plain TXT-file (right click and "Save as...")

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